How to Set Up Your Account to Receive Payments via Direct Deposit or Checks

  • Updated

In this article, we will cover how to receive payments from GoFan. You have two options for receiving payments from events. You can set up direct deposit or receive a check. 

  • ACH / Direct Deposit - is the fastest and most secure option for having funds deposited directly to the bank account for your organization.  GoFan can only deposit funds in a push fashion; we cannot withdraw.
  • Check - If ACH is not yet set up, a paper check will be mailed to the address in your account settings (Accounts > Address)

ACH details and payment preferences cannot be changed after the initial setup.  Please contact our Finance Team to make changes by emailing


Setting Up Your ACH Details 

You can select how you would like to receive the payments from events in the financial settings in GoFan HQ.

*Financial settings can only be viewed and edited by the financial contact for your account.


  • Login to your GoFan account at
    • If you do not have an account, set one up using your school email address.
  • Then go to GoFan HQ and enter your email address and password
  • Navigate to Accounts from the left-hand menu of GoFan HQ
  • Select Edit for the Account you need to update


  • From the Accounts Page, select Edit on the Financial section at the bottom left-hand-side of the page.  


  • Press the eye icon highlighted in yellow below before typing in each banking field. 

reference a check for your account details and not a deposit slip


To edit the Payment settings from direct deposit to a check for your school, the existing payment method must be changed by our Finance Support team.

Please reach out to them at to process the edit.




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