How to Add Contacts to Your Account

  • Updated

Your Contacts are the people at your school that need access to the GoFan account or information. This could be to access HQ, receive reports, or use GoFan Box Office. To add a contact, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Accounts page by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left-hand corner of GoFanHQ. 
  2. In the top-center of your Accounts page, find the Contacts box and select "Create." 
  3. Input the contact's Name, Email Address, Phone number, Title, and Role.
  4. Setup the contact's credentials
    • Main Contact: primary administrator of GoFan for your school
    • Financial Contact: primary financial administrator
    • Other Contact: any other contact who needs GoFan permissions
  5. Designate the General Permissions you would like to give the contact. You may want a contact to have access to add events but not see weekly payment statements. You can also designate a particular sport or event to which the contact will have access. You might not want your dance coordinator to have access to your sports account.
  6. Finally, click "Create Contact."
      • If the user does not have a password yet (i.e., they did not have an account previously) or if they're a new contact, they will get an automated email with a link for setting up a password, or you can have them set it at GoFan Sign Up.

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