How to Create Events With Multiple Opponents

  • Updated

GoFan HQ has two ways to create events with multiple opponents.

  1. Create the season, and manually add in the extra opponents once your season has been created (Season Creation only allows one opponent to be added at a time)
  2. Create Single Events, and add multiple opponentsĀ 

Creating a season and adding multiple opponents

  1. Go to GoFanHQ and click on the Seasons tab.
  2. Click on Add Season.
  3. Fill out the information on the first page, then click next.
  4. The next page is where you will create your season and input your opponents. For the game(s) with multiple opponents, select just one opponent fill out the rest of the information and click build to save.5841ef8f3436b3e4e7039e1e274a464f4c3037c1ca27eb36681c480bc66e700e.png
  5. Fill out the information on the last page and click publish. Now your season has been created and will be viewable on GoFanHQ.
  6. To add opponents to an event, go to your events tab in GoFanHQ.
  7. Locate the event that needs additional opponents and click Edit event.event.png
  8. On the first page, you will see the Schools option and see Home, Financial, and Opponent. Below you can see Add another school, where you will put the additional opponents if you like. Make sure they are labeled as participants!mceclip7.png
  9. Scroll down and click Publish to save.

How to add single events with multiple opponents

  1. 1. Go to GoFan HQ and click on your events tab.
  2. Click Add event in the blue box in the right corner.event__2_.png
  3. On the first page, you will see the Schools option and see Home, Financial, and Opponent. Below you can see Add another school, where you will put the additional opponents if you like. Make sure they are labeled as a participant!mceclip8.png
  4. Fill out the remaining two pages and click Publish to save.

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