Financial Performance

  • Updated

The financial performance feature makes it easier for schools to access aggregate financial performance data. It enables schools to view overall sales, payments, and unpaid balances for events and seasons ending in a given time frame

To get started, from your Dashboard, click on Explore Financial Performance under the Sales Reports section.



Aggregate charts

  • View net sales, payouts, and unpaid balances.
  • View expected payout dates for unpaid balances.
  • Filter by school year or quarter.
    • 2022-23 represents the 1-Jul-22 to 30-Jun-23 timeframe. 2023-24 represents 1-Jul-23 to 30-Jun-24.
    • The feature includes data for events and seasons ending on or after 1 Jul 22.
  • Filter by activity, gender, or level.
  • Download aggregate data powering each of the charts.


Activity/Gender/level charts

  • View each balance category broken down by activity, gender, or level.
  • Filter by school year or quarter.
  • Download aggregate data powering each of the charts.


Additional Notes

  1. This feature is informational and not to be used for accounting purposes.
  2. This feature includes data only for events/seasons ending in the selected time frame. For example, if you select Jul-Sep 2023, a season that ends in May 2024 won't be included even if it has sales/payment activity in Aug 2023.
  3. This method of categorizing data, where event/season end dates are compared to the selected timeframe, allows a precise comparison of net sales, payouts, and unpaid balances.
  4. The data here may differ from payment statements for the following reasons:
    • Data for 2022-23 has been populated on a best-effort basis using the payment cycle each event/season is mapped to today. These values may have been different at the time of payment.
    • Statements include calendar-close events/seasons with payment activity even if they end outside the selected time frame. The data here includes only events/seasons that end in the selected time frame.
    • Statements include manual fee/price adjustments and negative carry forwards. This feature doesn't.

If there are any questions regarding your school's finances, please contact our Finance Team by emailing

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