How To Edit Seasons

  • Updated

After you publish a Season, you can update settings at a season level or by individual events. You can access Seasons in three ways. 

Option 1: From the Dashboard Seasons View 

1. From your Main Dashboard, look for the "View" that says Events in the upper right. Use the down arrow to choose the Seasons.

  • From this view, you can delete a season using the trashcan icon in the upper right-hand corner of the season's card. 
    • When deleting a season, a school can decide whether they want to delete the events in the season or not.
    • Seasons can only be deleted if no season ticket packages have been sold and if the events in the season have yet to sell tickets.

Option 2: From the hamburger menu in the upper left corner


You can choose whether you would like to edit on a Season-level or on an event-by-event basis. By default, it will select Season-level. The chosen box will turn gray.


Option 3: From the menu on the left-hand side of your main dashboard

Editable Fields

  1. Total tickets available for this event
  2. Ticket Prices and Color (If this has been set up on your Accounts Page as a Default Ticket, you must make the changes there). 
  3. Box Office: Turn on or off
  4. Event Start Time
  5. Venue Information
  6. Event Visibility
  7. Gate Opening Time
  8. Buyer Purchase Limit
  9. You Can choose to collect additional information
  10. Update

Non-Editable Fields

  1. Event Type, Sport, Sport Level & Gender
  2. If you need to change these fields, you must do it from your events page by selecting one event at a time and making those necessary changes.  

Make sure to click Update on the bottom right when you are ready to publish. As this will save and updated all of your changes. 

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